Uninhabited islands

Sites that are islands or island groups, without permanent population on the entire site (except for the odd scientist or park ranger).

Connected Sites

Site Rationale Link
Aldabra Atoll "Research Officer, Island Manager and their rangers and staff"
Archipiélago de Revillagigedo The nominated property is uninhabited apart from the presence of a Mexican Navy station on Socorro (around 100 people) and a very small base on Clarión (around 10 people). (AB ev)
Bikini Atoll
Cocos Island Only park rangers
French Austral Lands and Seas All islands are uninhabited, except for 3 small scientific/military bases
Gough and Inaccessible Islands Inaccessible Island is uninhabited, Gough Island has a South African weather station
Heard and McDonald Islands Never inhabited
Henderson Island "The island was settled by Polynesians – possibly as early as 800 AD – but by the 1600s it had been abandoned." (wiki) There is currently no on-site management (AB ev)
Macquarie Island Except for base of the Australian Antarctic Division
Malpelo Malpelo is uninhabited except for six soldiers, rotated biannually, plus 10 more from the patrol boat. (UNEP WCMC)
Rock Islands presently uninhabited, after the villages were abandoned in the 17th/18th century
Sceilg Mhichíl "lt was occupied continuously until the later 12th century, when a general climatic deterioration led to increased storms in the seas around the island and forced the communitv to move to the mainland. " (AB ev) - "An official guide service was introduced in 1987; three of the four guides live on the island and are present on site seven days a week throughout the season." (AB ev)
St. Kilda Regarding Hirta: except for staff of radar tracking station, Trust and Scottish National Heritgae staff and scientific researchers
Sub-Antarctic Islands
Surtsey Never inhabited
Wrangel Island Except for ca. "27 full and part time staff". Presumed never inhabited.


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